SME Funding

SME Loan requirements

Products :

Project Loan / Term Loan : This is the type of Loan which is available for a specific purpose / project. The nature of the project could be Greenfield or Brownfield. Project Loans are available for a specific Term and hence also termed as Term Loan. Such loans are secured against the underlying asset / project. These loans are repayable either in installments or bullet payment at the end of tenure, however, interest is served on a regular basis.

Cash Credit Limit : Cash Credit limits are the limits which are available to meet the working capital solutions. Such limits are assessed on an annual basis and limits are reviewed every year.

Bill Discounting : Discounting of bills are a major source of funding working capital. Bills are discounted under LC or non-LC backed clean bills depending on the credit rating / profile of the client.

Buyers Credit : Buyers credit is a type of funding which is available to importers of Raw Materials and / or Capital Goods. Such funding is linked to LIBOR for calculation of interest. In such cases Letter of Undertaking issued by the LC opening Bank to the funding Bank. Buyers credit is available for 1 year in case of raw material import and for 3 years incase of a Capital Goods import.

Non-fund limits : Non-fund limits are limits sanctioned by Banks to meet the need of issuing Guarantee / Opening Letter of Credit. Such limits are crucial when any Security is to be given in cash with an option to be replaced by a guarantee or when any bulk purchase is done with payment guarantee or any equipment is to be procured from domestic or international market.